
Today I find myself thinking about the numbers that surround our lives and what we feel about them.

The number that appears on the scales when we weigh ourselves.

The number of our age.

The number in our bank account.

The number of kilometers your car has done.

The number of steps you did on your Fitbit.

The number of “friends” on Facebook or “followers” on Instagram.

The number of how many people on said social media liked or loved our last post or story.

Why do these numbers matter? Or do they?

There was a number that my mentor gave me the other day, that really shocked me.

1 in 400 trillion

That’s a lot of zeros… it looks like this….


“What is that number?” you may be asking.

So, what is it?

Take a minute. Have a think about it!

Wild guess?

Any idea at all?

It’s the chances of you being born.




On this planet.

We all had a one in four hundred trillion chance of being here at this very moment.

Mind blowing, right? So, by definition, I am, and you are a miracle. Seems pretty crazy how insignificant all the other numbers I referred to above now matter. Am I right?

Does the number on the scales when you weigh yourself mean you’re not doing your best to be fit and healthy? Or is it just a measure of the body you are in, in mass?

The number of our age, is just a sum of time we’ve been miraculously here living and now that we’ve worked out, we are said miracle, we might do more with the time we have left?

Or the age we feel in our head might be completely different to our physical age?

Is the number in your bank account mean you are less worthy of love or acceptance? Or is it just a figure that allows you to earn and cover the things you want to do in life? And if you want to do more, you get to work out a way to earn more.

The number of kms on your car could just be a reminder to service it to keep you safe in it, while using it for your miraculous life.

The number of steps on your Fitbit is just a good reminder to move today, like you love yourself, stay active so you can continue your miracle of life and feel good in your old age.

The number of friends or followers on either Facebook or Instagram, maybe we should be choosing real friends in real life and celebrating the miracle of how these people are in our lives and how truly lucky we are to have found them.

Likes or comments or anything else social media related for me, seems a bit pointless. I’d rather celebrate being a miracle today, than focusing on someone not “liking” me or something I posted.

1 in 400 trillion.

Remember that!

Go make your reason to be here right now.

On this planet.

At this time.


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